Coffee with a Cop

On Tuesday, June 11th, the McDonald’s at 1481 Opdyke hosted, “Coffee with a Cop,” to bring together the Auburn Hills Police Department and the community for a morning of conversation, connection, and caffeine. McDonald’s provided an opportunity for neighbors to sit down with their local law enforcement over a cup of coffee and some delicious baked goods. Five officers from the Auburn Hills Police Department joined the gathering, ready to chat, answer questions, and address any concerns the community had.

From left to right: Officer Duggar, Sergeant Brasil, Officer Daghlian, Ovi Datta, Sujit Datta, Officer Mahon

McDonald’s owner, Ovi Datta, and Sujit Datta, presented the Auburn Hills Police Department with a generous donation of $500, reinforcing the importance of collaboration and support between local businesses and law enforcement. Events like Coffee with a Cop go a long way toward building trust, fostering understanding, and creating a safer, more connected community. Big thanks to McDonald’s for brewing up this special event and hosting our Police Department!

Lisa Passalacqua, Community Engagement Manager

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